In order to improve trust between them and their customers. Companies need to have a robust and reliable method to trace, certify and record different values that are of great interest to a third party, which can be either their customer or an end consumer.
This platform by means of an API can connect the relevant data of a company and store them in a Blockchain database, in this way the technology acts as a digital Notary that attests to different facts such as the "time stamp, geolocation" or certain values that prove that a certain process has been carried out in the optimal way for the client or end consumer. The Alize platform allows actors in the supply chain and end customers to connect to the platform to check the data of their production process or product, from any device and from anywhere in the world in real time. And with the absolute certainty that the data has not been manipulated.
A brutal layer of trust is created between companies and their customers or end-consumers.
It ensures process improvement as processes are studied and improved before being added to an immutable network such as Blockchain.
It improves transparency throughout the company, and the company's image.
When applied
This solution for the connection of relevant data to a third party and subsequent visualisation on a web platform can be applied in any company of any sector and size that wants to carry out its digitisation process.
Application companies